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18 March 2008



It made me want to cry, reading this. It feels like hope, that for a change someone who has some sort of credible power is not shying away from tough issues, from things people around the world would rather just sweep beneath the rug. If politicians were angels I would feel even better. Though, I feel outraged that all that is said is true, it is still true! I come from a family with a sister who has a distrust of Blacks, and we are Latinas! Prejudices exists, but social constructions and generations of domestication cannot get the best of us!

Ed Carey

"Given my background, my politics, and my professed values and ideals, there will no doubt be those for whom my statements of condemnation are not enough. . ."
Namely, all the conservative pundits and so-called journalists/op-eds who fan the flames of hatred and distrust throughout the country and strike a chord with far too many white Americans, creating the same type of divisiveness that they accuse Rev. Wright of. Hypocrites, one and all.

Lisa A.

Thanks for your comment, Ed. I have been so discouraged by the mainstream media's response to Senator Obama's speech. Because of the influence of those media outlets (along with a number of other factors, of course), I fear our country will miss another real chance to break new ground on the issue of race (not to mention a number of other issues). For me, the question is how to "compete" (for lack of a better word) with these media outlets and involve more people (particularly the ones these outlets call "average voters") in a thoughtful, reflective discussion of the issues. Sites like this are obviously an important step; any other concrete suggestions from people with experience in such attempts?

Emma Bell

Important question, Lisa. Beyond virtual sites like this, we need to think about places where people get together physically. Work places are a natural environment, and employees should demand management to give time and space for discussions like this. The mutual understanding that could come out of this could be presented as something that will enhance the quality of the work being done. If managers refuse, employees can organize a healthful day-long sick-out to address some of the divisive illnesses that hinder worker solidarity.

Schools, in classes and special assemblies, are another obvious venue. Community centers too. Given that religion provided the tinder box that Obama was responding to, it might be good for communities that meet in spiritual spaces (churches, mosques, synagogues, ashrams, yoga centers, etc.) to organize events which bring together these different groups into common spaces.

In fact, since many workplaces, schools and community and religious centers are fairly segregated (sometimes self-selectively) in terms of who gets together, it might be good to create inter-department, inter-school, inter-center, inter-collegiate gatherings that will bring together those who don't routinely inhabit the same physical contexts. These shouldn't be one-shot events, but regularly scheduled town meetings intended to promote the cross-fertilization of outlooks and experiences.


Im pretty sure i left some comments on this issue. I dont see them anywhere. Is this site self censoring or just periodically scrubbed?

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