Kurt Vonnegut's passing is a great loss for the human community. Thankfully he left giant footprints behind, and his rare voice will remain among us and and in the lives of our children's children.
We loved reading his books when we first discovered them in the 1960s and continued to admire his mind, his uncommon commitment to human justice and his belief in the importance of speaking out, saying "NO!" even in the face of a culture of fear that has gripped our society for far too long. In his work and his words, his ongoing message was "Enough, already!" This is the mark of something rare in our world: integrity.
It was one of the great pleasures and honors of our lives to know that some of Kurt Vonnegut's departing written words were dedicated to telling people that it was important to read our book, Typecasting. For both of us reading these words was a transcendent moment, a treasure.
We, like the millions of others who felt he was a kindred spirit, a voice for so many, will miss his incisive vision and his wry smile.
Elizabeth Ewen and Stuart Ewen